Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The last few weeks have been hectic. After spending my first six months in Zhezkazgan with a host family, it was time to move out on my own. That's a daunting task for a foreigner with language issues and no knowledge of how one finds apartments in Kazakhstani cities. Fortunately, a local friend helped me out and found a number of available apartments. I moved a few weeks ago and ever since I have been struggling to track down random kitchenware, sanitary supplies, random spices, and everything else. Fortunately, my friend supplied me with a small collection of plates, forks, spoons, and of course a teapot -- absolutely no knives, however, because a Kazakh under no circumstances can give a knife as a gift. To give somebody a knife is apparently a very antagonizing gesture; I have also heard that it is acceptable to steal knives from the homes of others. I have not seen that in practice, nor do I hope to see it first-hand.

The move to my own apartment has temporarily cut off my internet access -- Kazaktelecom moves at its own uniquely glacial pace -- which is why I have been remiss in updating this blog lately. However, I plan to write about my host sister's epic wedding and a few other topics as soon as I can!

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