Monday, December 15, 2008

A Sobering Thought

Drinking is a serious matter in Kazakhstan. I'd say too serious. Why? They don't have drinking games. Come on!

Not everyone in Kazakhstan drinks a lot and in fact many Kazakhs do not drink at all. However, the people who drink, drink a lot. Vodka is very cheap. As my sitemate Drew says, the cheapest stuff is fouler than you can imagine, but even the mid-tier vodka here is as good as higher-end vodka in America. I am a beer guy and while the local offerings are nothing special, they are much better than I had imagined. There's plenty of both and not much of anything else except for cognac.

Getting back to the original point, I had thought that a place like Kazakhstan with its long, cold, dark winters (sunrise is already after 9am) would be rife with drinking games to make the time go by until April. Sadly, I have been disappointed. I wasn't expecting to be greeted with a round of flipcup by my host family, but still -- there are no signs of anything anywhere.

This means only one thing. It's time to bring Dartmouth pong to Kazakhstan.

Wish me luck. I can't even convince the other volunteers.


T.C. Hill said...

You should go to Home Depot and make a beer bong.

Unknown said...

two kazakhstanis enter, one kazakhstani leaves??

mccarthl said...

I wonder if they'll have "Louisa Specials" in Kazakhstan?

Jamie said...

Good idea Tim, I keep meaning to head to the Building 19 7/8 at the other side of town because it's right next to the Starbucks and Chipotle. Maybe next week.